Wednesday, September 13, 2017

It's Been A Long Time--What to Expect

A lot has happened in the last few years. I suppose I haven't been able to keep up with things as much as I have wanted. In lieu of some recent events, I would like to reinstate this blog to go back to my original purpose...but with a twist.

The Geeky Goth title still stands as it always does.

On the way home from work, I considered what I wanted to do. At times, I found myself bored, looking through Twitter profiles and reading other's blogs. Then, I realized what I COULD do.

First, let me digress and talk about Youtube.

I primarily watch videos on Youtube for the following:

1. Let's Plays

Honestly, I used to be the type who kept up with all the latest LP'ers. Pewdiepie. Jacksepticeye. Markiplier. Game Grumps. Due to recent events, I can no longer watch the first channel, and the others lose their comedic edge after a while. The only one that I can stand is usually Game Grumps. However, GG's appeal is that is it more like a podcast than an actual LP "comedy" show. 

Like many others, I do sometimes watch let's plays for gameplay reasons or I can't afford the game at the moment. 


A newer contender, I recently found out a year ago that the strange tingles I often experienced is an actual phenomena with a large community.

ASMR, or autonomous sensory meridian response, is a physiological reaction to certain "triggers". If you've ever had a strange tingling, maybe stroking, sensation on the back of your neck when someone spoke to you or you heard a certain sound, such as tapping, then that is the bulk of ASMR.

ASMR videos have an entire community composed of self-proclaimed ASMRtists, making videos of various triggers or role-plays into an art form. Indeed, one of the oldest channels, GentleWhispering, recently hit over 1 million subscribers. 

Indeed, ASMR has helped me and many relax. Although, I may have some issues in watching them a bit too frequently.

3. Vlogs

Probably one of my favorite types of YouTube videos, arising from my introspective and curious nature of how people live. As a psychology student, I find people fascinating, so vlogs are a way for me to learn about all sorts of persons while being wow'd by collections or recommended items.


What is the point I am trying to make?

As you see, despite YouTube's current failing issue of demonetizing videos (and thus hurting creators), the concept of YouTube videos, especially vlogs, is rather attractive to me. Yet, I cannot bring myself to make my own channel, learn to make and edit videos, and promote myself. This is mainly due to my extreme self-consciousness in my looks and the fact that the Internet is composed of trolls, other types of unsavory individuals etc. 

So, why not create a sort of vlog type channel but in text form? Writing is easier to convey my thoughts, nor do I have to go through the long process of editing. 

Therefore, The Geeky Goth (or TGG) will be reinstated. 

What we will now expect:

  • Random rants and thoughts
  • More reviews as permitted
  • Unboxings! Usually anime related goods
  • Showcases of things I find interest
Please stay tuned for more entries. Entries will be posted at least once a week


Diana. L. 

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